brief overview is a portal to access opendata from the various levels
of the Swiss political levels and their respective public administrations.
Whereas in the last years the
legal basis merely was a strategic paper by the Swiss executive branch, the Federal Council, a law is in the
workings at the moment. Many Cantons and some municipalities are working on their own laws to make their
data available to the public.
For a more detailed overview of the current situation, have a look at rnckp's list.
Examples and use cases on How to use the API
from can be found on Github.
Using python-scripts to fetch the data via the"' API
The bokeh-module is used to generate an interactive visualization of how was joined by organizations to publish their OGD.
Bokeh is fantastic for creating
interactive visualizations - however the generated html-file used for the iframe can
become quite large. Visualizations become very demanding of RAM and not suitable for a simple webpage such
as this one. Therefore, for larger data such as the growth of packages on, the plot is
visualized with matplotlib.
Autogenerated Report - script: here
Visualization of Organisations Growth on made with bokeh.
Visualization of Package Growth on